Standing Bear - Jensen Group
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Standing Bear

Standing Bear

A central pillar to the work of ISWO (formerly AWSCO) is the Standing Bear Program.

Standing Bear is a youth leadership program that was developed by youth, for youth. ISWO management smartly, and adamantly, reached out to young people seeking their input into how the organization could better reach and support youth in the arenas of sport and wellness. In the months leading up to the program’s development, ISWO held numerous round table discussions throughout Ontario seeking their input. Standing Bear is their voice being heard.

In addition to logo and brand development for the program, including the creation of all ancillary materials, we were asked to create a digital platform for youth to connect with one another and to easily find relevant services and programs. Part social networking platform, part online resource, the portal will offer youth the opportunity to create a community of practice that reinforces positive values, develops skills and identifies future opportunities. We’re very excited to announce that the new portal will be launched in May 2019.