Mohawk Language Book - Jensen Group
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Mohawk Language Book

Mohawk Language Book

The Kawennakatste language project is part dictionary, part graphic novel directed at young people learning the Mohawk language. The project is driven by Kawennakatste Mohawk Language Arts located in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Belleville, Ontario and funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

In 2017, we were approached to design and oversee print production of the publication. The graphic novel follows Yetsi’tsi:saks who, as the middle child in her family, often feels overlooked and underappreciated. As the story evolves, she, with the help of her family, learns the benefits that can accrue being in this (un)envious position.

Illustrated by the incredibly talented Mohawk artist, Kaia’tanoron Dumoulin, the graphic novel was launched and distributed to community members –with much celebration, appreciation and adulation – in October 2018. We’re incredible proud of this collective effort. A second volume is in the works and we can’t wait to start on the next chapter.